Hadley Price
Marketing Specialist

With 18 years of experience promoting solar as a viable energy alternative to fossil fuels, Hadley Price began as the Marketing Director for Solar Oregon in 2005. As the non-profit's director, Hadley managed the Solar Renewable Energy Credit SREC attestation process for over 600 Northwest Solar Co-op PV sites for Bonneville Power, Green-e, and Energy Trust of Oregon. His software development and leadership role in the infamous Solarize Now campaign contributed to installing solar energy systems on hundreds of residential homes and businesses in the Pacific Northwest. These campaigns became the promoted model by the US Department of Energy and were duplicated by organizations in nearly all US states. He has since returned to Florida, where he grew up, and resumes contributing to solar expansion. "Florida residents and businesses have a never-ending, money-saving resource of sunshine which is highly un-tapped," he says, adding, "I intend to spread the word to go solar in Florida until the sun doesn't shine."